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SolidWorks 2015 SP5.0 Full 專業的三維設計軟體 多國語言集成破解版(1DVD9+1DVD 此片售價380元)





SolidWorks 2015 SP5.0 Full 專業的三維設計軟體 多國語言集成破解版(1DVD9+1DVD 此片售價380元) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:SolidWorks 2015 SP5.0 Full 專業的三維設計軟體 多國語言集成破解版(1DVD9+1DVD 此片售價380元) 語系版本:多國語言集成破解版 光碟片數:2片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:For Windows 7/8/8.1 軟體類型:專業的三維設計軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2016-01-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$380元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. DISCONNECT INTERNET!!! Mount DVD1 into virtual drive and run "Setup.exe" 2. Input next serial numbers: SolidWorks > 9000 0000 0016 9675 P4DF 35DD SW Simulation > 9000 0000 0001 8043 TB9T SGD9 SW Motion > 9000 0000 0002 7942 9KW4 9FBC SW Flow Simulation > 9000 0000 0003 3107 V8F3 PG44 SW Composer > 9000 0000 0021 4754 DCB4 HC3J SW ComposerPlayer > 9000 0000 0022 1655 536J H9KH SW Electrical 2D > 9000 0000 0000 1616 MDZ8 R8J2 SW Plastics > 9000 0100 0000 6563 49GC HFDH SW Inspection > 9000 0000 0042 5948 N5Y7 H39D SW MBD > 9000 0000 0040 3494 S4V6 M555 Note: Also you can import the "SolidWorksSerialNumbers.reg" file as administrator to populate serial numbers for SolidWorks products. 3. If you get warning "Your serial number does not entitle you to SOLIDWORKS.." ckick "NEXT". At "Products" tab click "CHANGE" > "Select different packages or products" > tick "Also show products that are not part of this package" > "OK". Select SW modules and supported languages that you want to install and continue setup 4. Select SW modules and supported languages that you want to install 5. At setup when asked for DVD2 mount into virtual drive DVD2 and continue setup 6. After finish of setup run "SW2010-2016.Activator.GUI.SSQ.exe", on "General" tab select SW products that you want to activate and click "Activate!" 7. Wait for Activator message "All done! Enjoy" and click OK to close Activator To install Workgroup PDM Server: 1. Install IIS full configuration if you plan using Web Portal 2. Install PDM Server 3. If your computer is not connected to Internet, use arbitrary email and SW serial to get a key from PDMWorks keygen (PDMWorks.2015.KeyGen.SSQ.exe) 4. If installing Web Portal, leave license string from Workgroup PDM Viewer empty 5. When installation completes, apply a fix inside keygen (PDMWorks.2015.KeyGen.SSQ.exe). If you've got error message applying fix stop PDMWorks Workgroupe Server service, aplly fix and start PDMWorks Workgroupe Server service or reboot computer 6. Enjoy!   軟體簡介:   SOLIDWORKS 2015採用更加直觀、一體化的3D開發環境,涵蓋產品開發流程的所有環 節,包括3D設計、仿真、電氣設計、產品數據管理和技術溝通等,此外,SOLIDWORKS 2015新增協同分享功能,讓用戶能進入達索系統的3D體驗平台並使用基於云的其他功 能。 設計人員和工程師可以輕鬆地實現縮短設計週期、提高工作效率、優化協作、提速產 品上市進程等多個目標。 SOLIDWORKS 2015不僅為用戶帶來了關鍵性功能的增強,還為多個行業和市場提供了客 制化的解決方案。 例如,SOLIDWORKS的用戶能靈活地進行消費品行業的美學設計;同時,仿真機械的精 確度和易用性也得到前所未有的提高。   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
